Problem #49

Solution Source Code

Code Overview

1. Header Files and Namespace:

  • <iostream> is included for input and output operations.
  • using namespace std; allows the use of standard functions without prefixing them with std::.

2. User Input Function (ReadPinCode)

  • Prompts the user to enter a PIN code.
  • Reads and returns the entered PIN code.

3. Authentication Function (Login)

  • Uses a do-while loop to continuously prompt the user until the correct PIN (1234) is entered.
  • If the correct PIN is entered:
    • Returns true (successful login).
  • If the wrong PIN is entered:
    • Displays "Wrong PIN" message.
    • Changes console text to red (system("color 4F") for Windows).
  • The loop continues until the correct PIN is entered.

4. Program Execution (main())

  • Calls Login() to authenticate the user.
  • If login is successful:
    • Changes console text to green (system("color 2F") for Windows).
    • Displays the account balance (7500).

Returns 0 to indicate successful execution.

This structured explanation ensures clarity and ease of understanding.

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