Problem #38

Solution Source Code

Code Overview

1. Header Files and Namespace:

  • <iostream> is included for input and output operations.
  • <string> is included for potential future use.
  • <cmath> is included to use round() for calculations.
  • using namespace std; allows the use of standard functions without prefixing them with std::.

2. Enumeration (enPrimNotPrime)

  • Defines two values:
    • Prime = 1 (for prime numbers).
    • NotPrime = 2 (for non-prime numbers).

3. User Input Function (ReadPositiveNumber)

  • Uses a do-while loop to repeatedly prompt the user for a positive number.
  • Ensures the input is greater than 0.
  • Returns the validated integer.

4. Prime Check Function (CheckPrime)

  • Takes an integer as input.
  • If the number is less than 2, it is not prime.
  • Uses half-range optimization to check for divisibility only up to N/2.
  • Returns:
    • enPrimNotPrime::Prime if the number is prime.
    • enPrimNotPrime::NotPrime if the number is not prime.

5. Output Function (PrintNumberType)

  • Calls CheckPrime() to check if the number is prime.
  • Uses a switch statement to print:
    • "The number is Prime" if prime.
    • "The number is Not Prime" if not prime.

6. Program Execution (main())

  • Calls ReadPositiveNumber() to get user input.
  • Calls PrintNumberType() to determine and print primality.
  • Returns 0 to indicate successful execution.

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