Problem #14

Solution Source Code

Code Overview

1. Header Files and Namespace:

  • <iostream> is included for input and output operations.
  • <string> is included for potential future use (not used in this program).
  • using namespace std; allows the use of standard functions without prefixing them with std::.

2. User Input Function (ReadNumbers)

  • Uses reference parameters (int &Num1, int &Num2) to modify the values directly.
  • Prompts the user to enter two numbers and stores them in the provided reference variables.

3. Swapping Function (Swap)

  • Uses reference parameters (int &A, int &B) to swap values in place.
  • Utilizes a temporary variable (Temp) to store one of the values during swapping.
  • The swapping is performed without returning a value since the original variables are modified.

4. Output Function (PrintNumbers)

  • Receives two integer values as parameters.
  • Prints their values in the format:
Number1 = [value]
Number2 = [value]

5. Program Execution (main())

  • Declares two integer variables (Num1, Num2).
  • Calls ReadNumbers() to get user input.
  • Calls PrintNumbers() to display values before swapping.
  • Calls Swap() to swap the two values.
  • Calls PrintNumbers() again to show values after swapping.
  • Returns 0 to indicate successful execution.

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