Problem #05

Solution Source Code:

Code Overview

1. Header Files and Namespace:

  • <iostream> is included for input and output operations.
  • using namespace std; allows the use of standard functions without prefixing them with std::.

2. Struct Definition (stInfo)

  • Stores the candidate’s:
    • Age
    • HasDrivingLicense (Boolean for license status)
    • HasRecommendation (Boolean for recommendation status)

3. User Input Function (ReadInfo)

  • Prompts the user to enter their age, driving license status, and recommendation status.
  • Reads and stores the values in a struct.
  • Returns the struct with user information.

4. Eligibility Checking Function (IsAccepted)

  • If the candidate has a recommendation (HasRecommendation == true), they are automatically hired.
  • Otherwise, they must meet both conditions:
    • Age must be greater than 21.
    • Must have a valid driving license.
  • Returns true if either condition is met; otherwise, returns false.

5. Output Function (PrintResult)

  • Calls IsAccepted() to check eligibility.
  • Prints "Hired" if eligible; otherwise, prints "Rejected".

6. Program Execution (main())

  • Calls ReadInfo() to collect user input.
  • Passes the input to PrintResult() to determine and display the result.
  • Returns 0 to indicate successful execution.

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