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09 - Foundations Level 2
Important Introduction
Introduction (5:11)
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Networks and Internet
Revision of Networks Part I
MAN (5:39)
What is Server? (14:44)
How Data is Transferred? (Packets) (9:55)
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) (4:16)
IP Part 1 (IPv4) (11:56)
IP Part 2 (IPv6) (12:12)
IP Part 3 (IP Types) (8:33)
What is Gateway, Router Modem, Mesh Network? (13:06)
IP Part 4 (DHCP) (6:39)
NAT and IP mapping (8:48)
What is ISP? (2:40)
What is Port/Socket? (14:30)
What is Subnet Mask? (19:11)
What is Mac Address? (4:54)
How to know Your IP Address?
What IP Address Reveals about us? (5:57)
What is VPN? (4:44)
What is Internet vs WWW? (6:21)
Surfing Internet (Browsers) (15:01)
Http vs Https Protocols (11:23)
What is Domain Name? From Where to Get One? (16:46)
What is DNS? (10:47)
Sub Domain Names (9:22)
URL (10:47)
FTP (6:01)
What is API? (7:42)
Real Example about API.
What is XML?
What is JSON?
What is GUID?
What is 3-Tier Architecture?
What is Business Intelligence ? and what is Cube?
What is Security in Simple Terms
What is Security in Simple Terms
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