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15 - Database Level 1 - SQL (Concepts and Practice)
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Installing SQL Sever 2022
How to install SQL Server 2022
Differences between Data, Information , Knowledge and Wisdom
Differences between Data Structure and Database (15:42)
What is Database? (20:55)
What is NULL? (8:33)
Primary Key vs Foreign Key / Referential Integrity (24:36)
What is Redundancy? and why it's a problem? (19:22)
What is Data Integrity? and Why it's Important and Critical? (21:38)
What is Constraint? and Why it's Important? (13:47)
What is SQL? (17:51)
DBMs vs RDBMS Summary (8:50)
Database Design: Conceptual Design
What is ERD? and Why? (20:22)
ERD Symbols (12:33)
Components of ERD (2:27)
Entity (Strong) and Weak Entity (9:25)
Attributes (7:08)
Relationships (16:39)
One-to-One Relationship (16:21)
One-to-Many/Many-to-One Relationship (15:01)
Many-to-Many Relationship (6:26)
Cardinality vs Ordinality (11:57)
Cardinality Symbols and Practices (29:44)
Total Vs Partial Participation (5:54)
Process of Creating ERD Step by Step - Small Project (26:57)
Recommended ERD Software to Use (2:51)
Aggregation / Associative Entities (5:45)
Generalization (13:26)
Specialization (15:38)
Relational Schema
What is Relational Schema? (13:58)
Convert Self Referential ==> Relational Schema (7:07)
Convert Composite-Multivalued-Derived Attributes ==> Relational Schema (15:19)
Convert One-to-One ==> Relational Schema (8:45)
Convert One-to-Many/Many-to-One ==> Relational Schema (8:16)
Convert Many-to-Many ==> Relational Schema (16:41)
Generalization and Specialization to Relational Schema
Convert Associative Entity to Relational Schema (7:20)
How to create Relational Schema on (5:08)
(revision) What is SQL? (17:51)
SQL - Data Definition Language - DDL
Create Database (7:56)
Create Database IF NOT EXISTS (6:59)
Switch Database (4:42)
Drop Database (2:52)
Drop Database IF EXISTS (3:33)
Create Table (13:53)
SQL DataTypes
Drop Table (2:42)
DDL - Alter Table Statement
Add Column (2:57)
Rename Column (6:12)
Rename a table (3:43)
Modify a column (3:48)
Delete a column (1:41)
Backup & Restore Database
Backup Database (9:26)
Differential Backup (5:40)
Restore Database (3:32)
Data Manipulation Language - DML
Insert Into Statement (17:53)
Update Statement (11:43)
Delete Statement (5:47)
Select Into Statement (6:48)
Insert Into ..Select From Statement (7:27)
Misc 1
Identity Field (Auto Increment) (11:40)
Delete vs Truncate statement. (6:25)
Foreign Key Constraint (17:05)
Solution To: "Saving changes is not permitted" error (1:26)
SQL - Queries
Restore Sample HR Database and Get Ready . (4:29)
Select Statement (6:37)
Select Distinct Statement (5:35)
Where Statement + AND , OR, NOT (10:33)
"In" Operator (8:55)
Sorting : Order By (7:01)
Select Top Statement (13:45)
Select As (11:27)
Between Operator (1:40)
Count, Sum, Avg, Min, Max Functions (6:00)
Group By (7:46)
Having (8:14)
Like (6:13)
WildCards (7:42)
Restore Shop Database
(Inner) Join (19:45)
Left (Outer) Join (7:56)
Right (Outer) Join + Full (Outer) Join (9:01)
Views (12:09)
SQL - More Queries
Exists (7:40)
Union (4:34)
Case (6:22)
More about Constraints
Constraints (2:37)
What is Constraint? and Why it's Important? (13:47)
Primary Key Constraint
Foreign Key Constraint
Not Null Constraint
DEFAULT Constraint (11:09)
Check Constraint (7:11)
Unique Constraint (6:28)
SQL Index (18:15)
What is Normalization? (8:19)
First Normal Form 1NF (7:06)
Second Normal Form 2NF (6:52)
Third Normal Form 3NF (6:43)
Boyce Codd normal form (BCNF) , 4NF and 5NF
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What is Database?
What is Database.pdf
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