Boxing in C#

Boxing in C-.pdf

Boxing in C#


Learn what Boxing is in C# and how to perform it correctly.

Introduction to Boxing

Boxing is the process of converting a value type to a reference type. This involves wrapping a value type (like int, float, char) in an object or any interface type implemented by this value type.

Full Program Example

using System;

class Program
    static void Main()
        int valType = 10;
        object objType = valType; // Boxing

        Console.WriteLine("Value Type: " + valType);
        Console.WriteLine("Object Type: " + objType);

Expected Output

Value Type: 10
Object Type: 10

Output Explanation

The output demonstrates the Boxing process where valType, an integer (value type), is boxed into objType (object type). Both display the same value, but objType is a reference type stored in the heap.


Boxing is a fundamental concept in C#, allowing value types to be treated as objects. While it is necessary in certain scenarios, developers should be aware of its performance implications.

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