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16 - OOP As It Should Be In C#
Important Introduction
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Important Introduction (7:09)
Class & Object
(Revision) )What is Object Oriented Programming? And Why? (26:25)
Class & Object (12:06)
Objects In Memory (4:49)
Access Modifiers
Access Modifiers (12:20)
Static Members (14:14)
Properties Set and Get (6:45)
ReadOnly Properties (3:01)
Auto Implemented Properties (4:15)
Static Properties & Static Class (4:20)
Principles/Concepts of OOP, Part I : Encapsulation & Abstraction
First Principle or Concept of OOP- Encapsulation (5:44)
Second Principle or Concept of OOP - Abstraction (9:12)
Calculator Project
Requirements (4:13)
Solution (9:37)
Constructor and Destructor
Constructor (2:08)
Parameter-less Constructor (3:38)
Parameterized Constructor (3:47)
Default Constructor (1:34)
Private Constructor vs Static Class (5:20)
Multiple Constructors using overloading (3:26)
Static Constructor (2:16)
Destructor (4:16)
Real life Application of Using Static and Constructor :-)
Very Important: Real life Application of Using Static and Constructors. (20:38)
Third Principle/Concept of OOP: Inheritance
Third Principle/Concept of OOP: Inheritance (18:01)
Inheritance Constructor (3:43)
Upcasting and Downcasting (8:02)
Method Overriding in C# Inheritance + Base Keyword (7:58)
Method Hiding in C# (5:35)
Types Of Inheritance (4:34)
Multi-Level Inheritance (3:06)
Hierarchal Inheritance (2:33)
Abstract Class & Methods
Abstract Class & Methods (9:32)
What is Interface ? and Why? (17:34)
Implementing Multiple Interfaces (9:03)
C# Nested Class
C# Nested Class (6:39)
Composition (2:10)
Sealed Classes & Sealed Method
Sealed Class (2:46)
Sealed Method (4:35)
C# Partial Class and Partial Method
C# Partial Class (4:00)
Introduction to Partial Methods (7:49)
Fourth Principle/Concept of OOP: Polymorphism
4th Principle/Concept in OOP - Polymorphism (7:57)
Introduction to Class Libraries
.NET Class Library (24:45)
Access Modifiers - Internal
Internal Access Modifier
Class vs Struct
Class vs Struct
C# Enums
C# Enums (Enum is a special class)
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Important Introduction
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